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The main objectives of the energy manager and his tools

The energy manager makes his official debut in Italy in 1982 with law 308, but it is with the subsequent law 10/1991 that the role and functions of the “Responsible for the conservation and rational use of energy” are defined (commonly called, according to Anglo-Saxon practice, energy manager)…

How to develop the EnPI for your company

Into a plan that aim to increase the energy performance of an activity, it is not only necessary to know which is the absolute value of consumption: these data must be framed into an analysis that allows to understand if the numbers are satisfactory or if the company is inefficient…

How the work of the asset manager can affect the Overall Equipment Effectiveness

In any industrial setting, reducing downtime of equipment in productionplants as much as possible has always been the primary concern for maintenance managers and asset managers, with the ultimate goal of maintaining, and if possible improving, the value and competitiveness of the company

How to adopt Data Driven strategies thanks to IoT

Behind the vague science fiction flavor of the expression “Data Driven” conceals a very simple concept: physical reality – and in the case of a company the machinery, structures and production processes – can be described in terms of data and above all it can be observed and modified starting from the information…

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